What To Do About Nails?
The clay gets absolutely everywhere and participants on our throwing workshops often report finding the stuff weeks later, in places they would never have dreamed! Finger nails are well and truly on the front line, harbouring great wads of clay and generally getting in the way. Some women have, after repeated pot collapse, lopped their talons off in a flurry of potter's wheel rage. Others adopt a 'knuckle' technique for drawing the clay up. With so many women passing through the pottery, the nail issue is not one that's going to go away!! Check out our previous hen party workshops: Amanda's Hen Party - http://www.eastnorpottery.co.uk/blog/2009_09_01_archive.html ,
Miranda's Hen Party and Penny's Henny
- http://www.eastnorpottery.co.uk/blog/2009_07_01_archive.html.
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